General information about postgraduate studies
In accordance with the license for the implementation of educational activities in the field of knowledge "Social and behavioral sciences" in the specialty 051 Economics (order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 1464 L dated 21.10.2016), Rauf Ablyazov East European University prepares applicants for the third level of higher education in educational scientific program "Economics".
Postgraduate education is provided at the expense of individuals and legal entities under the terms of the contract. People who have a full higher education and a specialist or master's degree are admitted to postgraduate studies on a competitive basis. The term of study at the graduate school is four years.
At the same time as the student is enrolled, a scientific supervisor is appointed by the relevant order of the rector of the university, who carries out scientific supervision of the work on the dissertation research, monitors the implementation of the approved individual study plan and bears personal responsibility for the high-quality writing of the dissertation work by the graduate student.
The individual work plan and topic of the graduate student's dissertation are approved by the academic council of the university (after preliminary discussion by the department) no later than two months after the applicant's enrollment in graduate school.
The educational and scientific program and the curriculum of the postgraduate course consist of educational and scientific components. The educational-scientific program and the training plan for the higher education degree holders of the doctor of philosophy degree are the basis for the formation of an individual study plan and an individual plan of scientific work by a graduate student, which are agreed with the scientific supervisor and approved by the academic council of the university within two months from the day of the person's enrollment in the graduate school.
The individual plan of the graduate student's scientific work, which must contain a clear plan for conducting one's own scientific research under the supervision of a scientific supervisor, publishing it in relevant publications, preparing its results in the form of a dissertation, and defending scientific achievements during the period of preparation in graduate school.
The main scientific results of the dissertation must be covered in no less than three scientific publications that reveal the main content of the dissertation. Such scientific publications include:
- at least one article in the periodical scientific publications of other countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and/or the European Union, from the scientific direction on which the applicant's dissertation was prepared;
- articles in scientific publications included in the list of scientific specialized publications of Ukraine (a monograph or a section of a monograph published in co-authorship may be included instead of one article).
A scientific publication in a publication assigned to the first to third quartiles (Q1 to Q3) according to the classification of SCImago Journal and Country Rank or Journal Citation Reports is equal to two publications that are counted according to the first paragraph of this clause.
Approbation of the results of doctoral dissertation research: participation in the work of international and domestic scientific conferences.
Internship (if necessary) in leading foreign and domestic universities (scientific institutions).
The graduate student works according to an individual work plan, reports on its implementation twice a year (March, September) at the department meeting and is certified by the academic supervisor.
Based on the results of the attestation, the graduate student is transferred to the next year of study or expelled from graduate school by the appropriate order of the rector.
Rights and obligations of a graduate student.
Postgraduate students have the right to:
- use of educational and scientific bases of the university;
- obtaining all types of open scientific information and scientific consulting;
- participation in the scientific activity of university departments;
- interruption of education for valid reasons with its subsequent continuation;
- part-time work in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
- safe and harmless conditions of study and work.
Postgraduate students are obliged to:
- comply with the requirements of legislation, moral and ethical norms of behavior;
- to deeply master knowledge, practical skills, professional skills, to raise the general cultural level;
- master the methodology of conducting scientific research;
- carry out an individual plan of work on the dissertation;
- to report on the progress of the dissertation at the meeting of the department, academic council of the university;
- to comply with the Statute and Rules of Internal Procedure at the Eastern European University named after Rauf Ablyazov.
A graduate student may be expelled from graduate school for a gross violation of the internal rules of the university, for committing illegal actions, as well as for failure to fulfill an individual work plan without valid reasons.
Director of the Department for the Training of Scientific Personnel, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Us Halyna Oleksandrivna: